Friday, August 03, 2012

Waiting for "Love Letter"

I'm waiting for my 'love letter' to arrive safely in my mail box. I am now currently at home, guyang kaki doing nothing. It almost drives me insane. I am so bored. Mo jalan but duit tiada. No job no money laa. Sienz. I was wondering about looking for a temporary job before but yeah, talk but no action won't bring you anywhere. So my 'love letter', please come faster. I need youuuu. =.='

Sabah Youth Day 3 is just around the corner. This time it will be held at Tambunan on the 20th of August until 24th of August this year. It is my first time joining SYD so yaa I am excited. :) Hopefully everything will be just fine.

Since I'm at home only, my daily routines are all the same. Wake up in the morning, cleaning the house, cooking lunch, part time nursery for my 4 younger brothers, eat, shower, making dinner, online all day etc. Short word, every day is the same! Oh my english. Oh yes, I'm watching Oh My English on TVIQ. It's a very good learning programme actually. Don't forget to watch OME on TVIQ every Sunday 10.30a.m. lolzz.

Baaa ok. Babaii~~

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